Creativity and energy. From 4 to 10 years, children want to do it all. Mini Club Med has thought of everything to satisfy their endless thirst for discovery.
Kids from 3 to 7 years old will benefit from this innovative approach to tennis instruction. With the use of revolutionary mobile kits and specially designed equipment for young children, this program helps children develop hand-eye coordination, teamwork, self-confidence and much more!
Flying trapeze, tennis, soccer, sailing, in-line skating, games, arts & crafts, mini scientist and more… Children enrolled in Mini Club Med are granted privileged access to certain sports and activities.
Kids 4 years and older love juggling, walking the tightrope, jumping on the trampoline, swinging on the trapeze and clowning around in our one-of-a-kind circus workshops.
In our most popular Resorts:
Initiation: children will be initiated to a new activity during one or several weekly sessions.
Lessons: children are engaged in outdoor fun.
Please note that minimum ages requirements for some activities may vary depending on the Resort.
Children under 8 years (12 years for water-sports) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at anytime during the activity. Except when practicing a free-play activity or when under the supervision of Mini Club Med G.O.s All children participating in water-sports must undergo a swimming test. In resorts without children’s programs, children from 8 years and up can participate to the activities with the adults: from 12 years for basketball, volley-ball and scuba diving; from 16 years for Club Med Fitness and for access to the weight room. For free-play activities, children under 8 years (12 years for water-sports) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.